Friday, January 29, 2010

wood as art and science

There's definitely a trend in wood-based fragrance bottles! I hope they smell as good as they look.

Completely handcut and crafted bottles: Shigenobu Twilight

Strong and solid: Dsquared He Wood

A "personal from the market rules": Nasomatto

Pure portability: Frazer Parfum

Monday, January 25, 2010


So much coolness in Holly Fulton's Spring/Summer 2010 collection.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

kuler than cool

I stumbled upon this website for kuler by Adobe (although I guess it's been around for a while) and of course I instantly fell in love. It's simple but so interesting and inspiring.

Some of my faves:

spring asleep under snow



ice wine fruit


bariloche life

city lights

Friday, January 8, 2010

inspired by wine

So, I'm in a book (and wine) club. It's really a "go for the book, stay for the wine" kind of experience. It's pretty fun. Last night we chose a new book for the coming month that is actually about wine (a first for this group, if you can believe it.) Since the book we chose has a cute and pleasant but not exceptionally well-designed cover, it got me wondering about and eventually searching for wine book covers that had some more design chops. Here are some I found (lots of center-justified going on here, get ready.)

a wine worldchanger

bubbles are always a good idea

I'm just fascinated with this bottle

it's only 400 pages

passion for cork

Thursday, January 7, 2010

back at it

After numerous (holi)days of waking up in the double digits (I'm not a morning person) maybe one of these cuties could have helped a bit this week.

Bell Alarm Clock, Industrial Facility

Clocky (so cute)

The super slick Elements Radio